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Police v/s Lalit militants Ram Seegobin and Lindsey Collen:
Police witnesses entangled in web of contradictions
Judgement on 30th November in the case of Ram Seegobin
Police case against Lindsey Collen fixed for 9th November, 9.30a.m.


Yesterday, the District Court building in Port Louis was full of members of the Platform Against Bush that had organised the January 2003 demonstration against Bush during the AGOA Forum in January 2003. Lalit militants, union federation members Auguste Follet, Rashid Imrith, Wakil Lalloo, Faizal Begun, members of associations Muvman Liberasyon Fam, Ledikasyon Pu Travayer and Comité Amelioration la Santé.

Police have charged Ram Seegobin and Lindsey Collen with insulting police on the 19th December, 2002. On that day, the Platform against Bush organised a press conference and private meeting of the Platform to organise this demonstration at Social Centre Marie Reine de la Paix. Police officers came right inside the premises where the private meeting and press conference was being held.

In the case of Ram Seegobin, the police prosecutor called three witnesses: Chief Inspector Pedre, police officer Ellapen and a security guard called Mr. Ragooputh. The evidence given in Court of each and every one of the three witnesses was so riddled with contradictions from beginning to end, that Ram Seegobin’s lawyer Jean Claude Bibi closed his case. He said that the many contradictions on fundamental points are so glaring that all three witnesses have zero-credibility.

Lindsey Collen’s case has been fixed for the 9th November, 2004 at District Court no. 3, Port Louis. The police, for some reason, decided to prosecute here in a separate case.

Father Henri Souchon, who administrates the Social Centre Marie Reine de la Paix had come to Court to witness in favour of Ram Seegobin and Lindsey Collen. “I am here on a question of principle”, he said.

Lalit appreciates the many messages of solidarity to our members Lindsey Collen and Ram Seegobin, and the solidarity shown by those who chose to be in Court yesterday.

The Court hearing for Lindsey Collen has been fixed for the 9th November, 2004 at District Court no.3, Port Louis.