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LALIT Campaign – a National One


LALIT’s electoral campaign puts major issues of a national importance on the local agenda in each constituency.

 Instead of keeping the local agenda to drains and street lighting, as the other parties tend to do, LALIT puts the big picture on the agenda. For example, job-creation through the launching of new agricultural production based on food crops and preservation in new factories on the sugar estates, instead of the “silly” crops left by the colonial legacy: sugar and tea, flowers and now cane-for-burning for electricity.

 Our bulletin, even that, instead of being just the candidates in one constituency, has details on our candidates in all 20 constituencies. This means our campaign maintains the big picture, even when it comes to candidates.

 When we go and distribute bulletins, we sometimes, for example, go to a large worksite, big market place on its open market day. For example, we have done this in Goodlands and Flacq, amongst others. Then a team of our members and candidates all go together.

 This means our campaign keeps a collective, and even class nature to it, and is not the corrupt individual-voter-to-individual-candidate-arrangement that has poisoned recent politics.

When we do port-a-port, it is always in small groups, and we knock on every door – unless one of an actual candidate or leading member of an adversary, when it might be rude to do so.

 Our members distribute bulletins both in their neighbourhoods, and also via their worksites. And of course, our bimonthly magazine has its circulation. Each distributer asks each person who usually buys a copy if they would like a bulletin, and if they have friends who would like one.

 Similarly, our “pivo” meetings in the asbestos housing campaign continue, as do all our branch meetings, and they become the living backbone of the distribution network.

 Our demands are both immediate, and also demands that put on the table right now the need for a socialist revolution. This, too, keeps LALIT a “class struggle party”.

 And our emphasis is on a good National Assembly that needs to be enlarged and given more power so that it can challenge the power of the executive (the Prime Minister – who is named by the President – and the Cabinet).