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Record Hits on LALIT website last month


Last month, October, 2018, LALIT had a record number of hits on our website, or 193,155. In the past 12 months we have had nearly two million hits, or 1,799,050.

The table below gives an idea of the ascension of the LALIT website over the 16 years of its existence.

2002            242

2003       17,161

2004       64,157

2005     103,801

2006     152,559

2007     111,569

2008     147,395

2009     264,325

2010     422,247 

2011     376,347

2012     362,401

2013     581,745

2014     900,000     (Estimate based on real figures for most individual months)

2015   1,400,000    (Estimate based on real figures for most individual months)

2016   1,744,227

2017   1,563,343