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100 years since Russian revolution, LALIT Launches Marxist Study Group


LALIT is announcing that anyone, especially young people, can apply to us by e-mail if they want to join in to a new political study group to look at some of the less difficult Marxist texts. The study group will begin later in July. Just write, saying you are interested in the study group, state your age, give a brief idea of what interests you, and say where you live. You can also phone on 208 5551, and ask for either Alain or Lindsey.

 The political study group will be in the evening at Grand River North West, once a fortnight for SIX sessions. It is free. If you have transport problems to get home, don’t hesitate to contact us because you may be in luck if someone is going in the same direction. Otherwise, find friends who are interested in sharing a taxi home, and split the cost amongst you.

 The content will be the following three texts, which people will need to read prior to the relevant session, so that they can participate in the discussion. The first text is also available in Audio version on a CD, for those who can’t read and write, but who want to follow. All three texts are available in Kreol language form, and on the internet in French and English.

 Firstly, we will look at the Manifesto that Marx and Engels were in charge of drafting, that is to say the second biggest best-seller book of all time according to the Guinness Book of Records. But, more importantly it is the best way to begin to study Marx and socialism.

 Secondly, we will look at a text that really comes and clarifies the Manifesto in the most brilliant way. It is a Marx text, based on his notes written on the Gotha Program, which was like a kind of “false” version of the Manifesto that pretended to be the same sort of thing, and which was issued in the town of Gotha, thus its name. The Marx work is known by the name Critique of the Gotha Program.

 Thirdly, we will do the first few chapters to launch people into Ernest Mandel’s Pu Enn Sosyete San Klas.

 Although the study group is free, it does involve the commitment to reading the texts beforehand, and then thinking about them, before coming to the session concerned. It is this that helps make it a “study group” and not some kind of prolongation of school-type learning.